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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Louie Gohmert
U.S. Representative, R-TX
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Gohmert: What has been disclosed of the monitoring scares me. We have had hearings in this room, people like jerry Nadler have argued about the dangers of government having too much information. From my experience as a judge and chief justice, with state and federal judges, and having practiced before a very conservative federal judge and a very liberal judge, I could not Imagine anybody granting the kinds of orders we have seen granted. A blanket summary, go get all of these phone records.
Louie Gohmert
U.S. Representative, R-TX
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Gohmert: 2002, as a chief justice in a conference, getting into a debate with a CIA lawyer, who was arguing, look banks have all your financial records, why shouldn’t the government? And I was pointing out as a conservative, it’s because banks can’t show up at your house, put you in handcuffs, throw you to the ground, and drag you off to jail. Which has been done by the government. So There is an important distinction.
Louie Gohmert
U.S. Representative, R-TX
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Gohmert: The justification we get seems to be, there are a handful of cases where we have avoided terrorism by really gathering all of this private information, and it makes me think, how many times could King George the third have argued that? By putting officers in everyone one of your homes that we were uncomfortable with, we ended up being able to avoid a couple of problems of violence. We don’t want people in our homes and that includes the federal government watching through a big eye through our computer. I appreciate you being here today.
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